Julia’s plenary poster at the 2017 Annual Meeting of the American Society…
News (page 6)
ORS in upstate NY
Derek and Sophia will both present posters at the first ever ORS Upstate New…
ASBMR acceptances in
Congratulations to Julia on her poster acceptance as a Plenary Poster for…
Funmi defended her PhD
Today Olufunmilayo Adebayo successfully defended her PhD with a full audience! Her…
Alumna Blog
Check out the Bone and Joint Research Blog by Allison Hsia, graduate…
Congrats to Funmi & Julia
We are excited to have two PhDs finishing this summer, Funmi Adebayo…
Congrats Professor Main!
Former group member, Russell Main, has been promoted to Associate Professor with indefinite…
Further kudos to Shannon
Shannon Hugard received ELI Undergraduate Research Funds for the summer to continue work…
Congrats to Shannon
Shannon Hugard (Cornell BME ’18), an undergraduate working in the lab, had…
Cartilage Biology GRC in Tuscany
Marjolein attended the the “Cartilage Biology & Pathology” Gordon Research Conference at…