Gina presented her work during the second poster session at the Orthopaedic Research…
Tag: skeletal mechanobiology (page 4)
Funmi presents poster at ORS
Funmi presented her work during the second poster session at the Orthopaedic Research Society…
Katie’s ER-alpha loading paper accepted to JBMR
Great news: Katie’s paper entitled Effects of deletion of ER-alpha in osteoblast-lineage…
Paper in J Biomechanics special issue
Professor Rik Huiskes will be honored in a special issue of the…
Paper in Journal of Orthopaedic Research
Matt Grosso’s paper on osseointegration with PTH and loading in the rabbit…
Natalie’s paper accepted and published
Natalie has developed a technique to extract marrow-free RNA from cancellous bone…
Congratulations to Katie!
Katie successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis entitled: Estrogen receptor alpha in osteoblasts…
Natalie receives ASBMR Frost Award!
Natalie has received an ASBMR Harold M. Frost Young Investigator Award from the IBMS…
Marjolein co-organizes workshop
Marjolein helps organize the 1st International Workshop on Multiscale Mechanobiology (IWMM 2014)…
Frank’s PhD complete!
Congratulations to Dr. Frank Ko! Frank’s last step was his PhD thesis,…