In chronological order (most recent first)
Glorieux FH, Bonewald LF, Harvey NC, van der Meulen MCH (2022) Potential influences on optimizing long-term musculoskeletal health in children and adolescents with X-linked hypophosphatemia (XLH). Orphanet J Rare Dis 17(1):30
*Rooney AM, *Adebayo OO, Kelly NH, Schimenti JC, Ross FP, van der Meulen MCH (2022) Bone mass and adaptation to mechanical loading are sexually dimorphic in adult osteoblast-specific ERα knockout mice. Bone 158:116349. *equal contribution
Ziemian SN, Witkowski A, Wright TM, Otero M, van der Meulen MCH (2021) Early inhibition of subchondral bone remodeling slows load-induced post-traumatic osteoarthritis development in mice. J Bone Miner Res 36: 2027–38
Ziemian SN, Adebayo OO, Rooney AM, Kelly NH, Holyoak DT, Ross FP, van der Meulen MCH (2021) Low bone mass resulting from impaired estrogen signaling in bone increases severity of load-induced osteoarthritis in female mice. Bone 152: 116071
Wang M, Lessard S, Singh P, Pannellini T, Chen T, Rourke B, Chowdhury L, Craveiro V, Sculco P, van der Meulen MCH, Otero M (2021) Knee fibrosis is associated with the development of osteoarthritis in a murine model of tibial compression. J Orthop Res 39:1030-40
*Choi JH, *Wang Z, Ross FP, van der Meulen MCH, Bostrom MPG (2021) Systemic osteoprotegerin does not improve peri-implant bone volume or osseointegration in rabbits. J Orthop Res 39: 1611–21. *equal contribution
Dvorzhinskiy A, Perino G, Chojnowski R, van der Meulen MCH, Bostrom MPG, Yang X (2021) Ceramic composite with gentamicin decreases persistent infection and increases bone formation in a rat model of debrided osteomyelitis. J Bone Jt Infect 6: 283–93
Main RP, Shefelbine SJ, Meakin LB, Matthew J. Silva MJ, van der Meulen MCH, Willie BM (2020) The murine axial compression tibial loading model to study bone mechanobiology: Implementing the model and reporting results. J Orthop Res 38: 233–252
Morse A, Ko FC, Schindeler A, McDonald MM, van der Meulen MCH, Lee L, Little DG (2020) Increased anabolic bone response in Dkk1 KO mice following tibial compressive loading. Bone 131:115054
Alliston T, Foucher KC, Frederick B, Hernandez CJ, Iatridis JC, Kozloff KM, Lewis KJ, X. Liu XS, Mercer DM, Ochia R, Queen RM, Rimnac CM, van der Meulen MCH, Westendorf JJ (2020) The importance of diversity, equity and inclusion in Orthopaedic Research. J Orthop Res 38: 1661–65
Luna M, Guss JD, Vasquez-Bolanos LS, Alepuz AJ, Dornevil S, Strong J, Alabi D, Shi Q, Pannellini T, Otero M, Brito IL, van der Meulen MCH, Goldring SR, Hernandez CJ (2020) Obesity and load-induced post-traumatic osteoarthritis in the absence of fracture or surgical trauma. J Orthop Res 39: 1007-16
Holyoak DT, Wheeler TA, van der Meulen MCH, Singh A (2019) Injectable mechanical pillows for attenuation of load-induced post-traumatic osteoarthritis. Regenerative Biomaterials 6:211-219
*Adebayo OO, *Holyoak DT, van der Meulen MCH (2019) Mechanobiological mechanisms of load-induced osteoarthritis in the mouse knee. J Biomech Eng 141: 070806-1 PMC6611469 *equal contribution
Holyoak DT, Chlebek C, Kim MJ, Wright TM, Otero M, van der Meulen MCH (2019) Low-level cyclic tibial compression attenuates osteoarthritis progression after joint injury in mice. Osteoarthritis Cartilage 27:1526–1536 PMC6814162
Berezovska O, Yildirim G, Budell W, Yagerman S, Pidhaynyy B, Bastien C, van der Meulen MCH, Dowd TL (2019) Osteocalcin affects bone mineral and mechanical properties in female mice. Bone 128: 115031
Guss JD, Ziemian SN, Luna M, Sandoval TN, Holyoak DT, Guisado GG, Roubert S, Callahan RL, Brito IL, van der Meulen MCH, Goldring SR, Hernandez CJ (2019) The effects of metabolic syndrome, obesity, and the gut microbiome on load-induced osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis Cartilage 27: 129-139
Imbert L, Gourion-Arsiquaud S, Villarreal-Ramirez E, Spevak L, Taleb H, van der Meulen MCH, Mendelsohn R, Boskey AL (2018) Dynamic structure and composition of bone investigated by nanoscale infrared spectroscopy. PLoS One 13: e0202833 PMC6122783
Holyoak DT, Otero M, Armar NS, Ziemian SN, Otto A, Cullinane D, Wright TM, Goldring SR, Goldring MB, van der Meulen MCH (2018) Collagen-XI mutation in mice lowers susceptibility to load-induced cartilage damage. J Orthop Res 36: 711-720
Rooney AM, van der Meulen MCH (2017) Mouse models to evaluate the role of estrogen receptor α in skeletal maintenance and adaptation. Annals NY Acad Sci 1410:85–92
Guss JD, Horsfield MW, Fontenele FF, Sandoval TN, Luna M, Apoorva F, Lima SF, Bicalho RC, Singh A, Ley RE, van der Meulen MC, Goldring SR, Hernandez CJ (2017) Alterations to the Gut Microbiome Impair Bone Strength and Tissue Material Properties . J Bone Miner Res 32: 1343–1353.
Matheny JB, Goff MG, Pownder SL, Koff MF, Hayashi K, Yang X, Bostrom MPG, van der Meulen MCH, Hernandez CJ (2017) An In Vivo Model of a Mechanically-Induced Bone Marrow Lesion. Journal of Biomechanics 64: 258–261
Hernandez CJ, van der Meulen MC (2017) Understanding Bone Strength Is not Enough . J Bone Miner Res 32: 1157–1162
Adebayo OO, Ko FC, Goldring SR, Goldring MB, Wright TM, van der Meulen MCH (2017) Kinematics of meniscal- and ACL-transected mouse knees during controlled tibial compressive loading captured using roentgen stereophotogrammetry . Journal of Orthopaedic Research 35 (2):353-360
Kelly NH, Schimenti JC, Ross FP, van der Meulen MCH (2016) Transcriptional profiling of cortical versus cancellous bone from mechanically-loaded murine tibiae reveals differential gene expression . Bone 86: 22-29
Holyoak DT, Tian YF, van der Meulen MCH, Singh A (2016) Osteoarthritis: Pathology, mouse Models, and Nanoparticle Injectable Systems for Targeted Treatment . Annals of Biomedical Engineering 44:2062–2075
Ko FC, Dragomir CL, Plumb DA, Hsia AW, Adebayo OO, Goldring SR, Wright TM, Goldring MB, van der Meulen MCH (2016) Progressive cell-mediated changes in articular cartilage and bone in mice are initiated by a single session of controlled cyclic compressive loading . Journal of Orthopaedic Research 34: 1941–1949
Grosso M, Courtland H-W, Yang X, Sutherland J, Brommage T, Hu B, Fahlgren A, Ross FP, van der Meulen MCH, Bostrom MPG (2015) The anabolic effects of combined iPTH and mechanical loading on periprosthetic bone . J Orthop Res 33: 163–173
Melville KM, Robling AG, van der Meulen MCH (2015) Axial tibial loading of bone . Meth Mol Bio 1228: 99-115
Brock GR, Chen JT, Ingraffea AR, MacLeay H, Boskey AL, van der Meulen MCH (2015) The effect of osteoporosis treatments on fatigue properties of cortical bone tissue . Bone Reports 2: 8–13
Morgan TG, Bostrom MPG, van der Meulen MCH (2015) Tissue-level cancellous bone remodeling simulations capture effects of in vivo loading in a rabbit model . J Biomech 48: 875–882
Shane E, Burr D, Ebeling P, Abrahamsen B, Adler R, Brown TD, Cheung A, Cosman F, Curtis J, Dell R, Dempster D, Einhorn T, Genant HK, Geusens P, Klaushofer K, Kobal K, McKeirnan F, Lane JM, McKinney R, Ng A, Nieves J, Odvina C, O’Keefe R, Papapoulos S, Tet Sen H, van der Meulen MCH, Weinstein R, Whyte M (2014) Atypical subtrochanteric and diaphyseal femoral fractures: Second Report of a Task Force of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research . J Bone Miner Res 29: 1–23
Kalafut S, Meloni G, Todhunter RJ, van der Meulen MCH, Krotschek U (2014) Effect of ulnar ostectomy on intra-articular pressure in the canine elbow ex vivo . Vet Surg 43: 339–346
Melville KM, Kelly NH, Khan SA, Schimenti, JC, Ross FP, Main RP, van der Meulen MCH (2014) Female mice lacking estrogen receptor-alpha in osteoblasts have compromised bone mass and strength . J Bone Miner Res 29: 370–379
Kim G, Cole JH, Boskey AL, Baker SP, van der Meulen MCH (2014) Reduced tissue level stiffness and mineralization in osteoporotic cancellous bone . Calcif Tissue Int 95: 125–131
Main RP, Lynch ME, van der Meulen MCH (2014) Load-induced changes in bone stiffness and cancellous and cortical bone mass following tibial compression diminish with age in female mice . J Exp Biol 15:1775–83
Morse A, Kelly NH, Melville KM, McDonald MM, Schindeler A, Kramer I, Kneissel M, van der Meulen MCH, Little DG (2014) Mechanical load increases in bone formation via a Sclerostin-independent pathway . J Bone Miner Res 29: 2456–2467
Kelly NH, Schimenti JC, Ross FP, van der Meulen MCH (2014) A method for isolating high quality RNA from mouse cortical and cancellous bone . Bone 68: 1–5
Parkmin K, Lim E, Lee MJ, Park SH, Giannopoulos E, Yarilina A, van der Meulen MCH, Zhao B, Smithers N, Witherington J, Lee K, Tak P-P, Prinjha RK,Ivashkiv LB (2014) Inhibition of osteoclastogenesis and inflammatory bone resorption by targeting BET proteins and epigenetic regulation . Nat Commun 5:5418
Erdem I, Truumees E, van der Meulen MCH (2013) Behavior of the L1 vertebra for different material properties and loading conditions . Comput Methods Biomech Biomed Engin 16:736–46
Burket JC, Brooks DJ, MacLeay JM, Baker SP, Boskey AL, van der Meulen MCH (2013) Spatial variation in tissue composition and nanomechanical properties within trabeculae in an ovine model of osteoporosis and treatment. Bone 52: 326–336
Ko FC, Dragomir C, Plumb DA, Goldring SR, Wright TM, Goldring MB, van der Meulen MCH (2013) In vivo cyclic compression causes cartilage degeneration and subchondral bone changes in mouse tibiae . Arthritis Rheum 65: 1569–1578
Brock GR, Kim G, Ingraffea AR, Andrews JC, Pianetta P, van der Meulen MCH (2013) N anoscale examination of microdamage in bone using synchrotron radiation transmission x-ray microscopy . PLoS One 8: e57942
Yang X, Willie BM, Beach JM, Wright TM, van der Meulen MCH, Bostrom MPG (2013) Trabecular bone adaptation to loading in a rabbit model is not magnitude dependent . J Orthop Res 31: 930–934
Lynch ME, Brooks D, Mohanan S, Lee MJ, Polamraju P, Dent K, Bonassar LJ, van der Meulen MC, Fischbach C (2013) In vivo tibial compression decreases osteolysis and tumor formation in a human metastatic breast cancer model . J Bone Miner Res 28: 2357–2367
Sevenler DD, Buckley MR, Kim G, van der Meulen MCH, Cohen I, Bonassar LJ (2013) Observations of spatial periodicity in growth plate shear mechanical properties is disrupted by vitamin D deficiency . J Biomech 46: 1597–1603
Cross MB, Nam D, van der Meulen MCH, Bostrom MPG (2012) A rare case of a bisphosphonate induced periprosthetic femoral fracture . Bone & Joint Journal [formerly known as J Bone Joint Surg] 94B: 994–997
van der Meulen MCH, Boskey AL (2012) Atypical subtrochanteric femoral shaft fractures: Role for mechanics and bone quality . Arthritis Res Ther 14: 220–224
Kim G, Boskey AL, Baker SP, van der Meulen MCH (2012) Improved prediction of rat cortical bone mechanical behavior using composite beam theory to integrate tissue level properties . J Biomech 45: 2784–2790
Burket J, Gourion-Arsiquad S, Havill LM, Baker SP, Boskey AL, van der Meulen MCH (2012) Microstructure and nanomechanical properties in osteons relate to tissue and animal age . J Biomech 44: 277–284
Cole JH, van der Meulen MCH (2011) Whole bone mechanics and bone quality . Clin Orthop Rel Res 469: 2139–2149
Verdelis K, Lukashova L, Atti E, Mayer-Kuckuk P, Peterson MGE, Tetradis S, Boskey AL, van der Meulen MCH (2011) MicroCT morphometry analysis of mouse cancellous bone: intra- and inter-system reproducibility . Bone 49: 580–587
+Lynch ME, +Main RP, Xu Q, Schmicker TL, Schaffler MB, Wright TM, van der Meulen MCH (2011) Tibial compression is anabolic in the adult mouse skeleton despite reduced responsiveness with aging . Bone 49: 439–346
Donnelly E, Boskey AL, Baker SP, van der Meulen MCH (2010) Effect of tissue age on bone tissue material composition and nanomechanical properties in the rat cortex . J Biomed Mater Res 92A: 1048–1056
Andrews JC, Almeida E, van der Meulen MCH, Alwood J, Liu JY, Feser M, Gelb J, Rudati J, Tkachuk A, Yun W, Pianetta P (2010) Nanoscale X-ray microscopic imaging of mammalian mineralized tissue reveals cellular detail (cover art) . Microsc Microanal 16: 327–36
Willie BM, Yang X, Kelly NH, Han J, Nair T, Wright TM, van der Meulen MCH, Bostrom MPG (2010) An in vivo loading model to examine cancellous bone osseointegration . Tissue Eng Part C 16: 1399–406
Cunningham ME, Beach JM, Lawhorne T, Boachie-Adjei O, van der Meulen MCH, Hidaka C (2010) In vivo and in vitro analysis of lumbar spine mobility . Clin Orthop Rel Res 468: 2695–2703
Main RP, Lynch ME, van der Meulen MCH (2010) In vivo tibial stiffness is maintained by whole bone morphology and cross-sectional geometry in growing female mice . J Biomech 43: 2689–2694
Lynch ME, Main RP, Xu Q, Walsh DJ, Schaffler MB, Wright TM, van der Meulen MCH (2010) Cancellous bone adaptation to dynamic tibial compression is not sex-dependent in growing mice . J Appl Physiol 109: 685–691
Monir AU, Gundberg CM, Yagerman SE, van der Meulen MCH, Budell W, Boskey AL, Dowd TL (2010) The effect of lead on bone mineral properties from female adult C57Bl/6 mice . Bone 47: 888–894
+Donnelly E, +Chen DX, Boskey AL, Baker SP, van der Meulen MCH (2010) Contribution of mineral to bone structural behavior and tissue mechanical properties . Calcif Tissue Int 87: 450–60
Shane E, Burr D, Ebeling P, Abrahamsen B, Adler R, Brown TD, Cheung A, Cosman F, Curtis J, Dell R, Dempster D, Einhorn T, Genant HK, Geusens P, Klaushofer K, Kobal K, McKeirnan F, Lane JM, McKinney R, Ng A, Nieves J, Odvina C, O’Keefe R, Papapoulos S, Tet Sen H, van der Meulen MCH, Weinstein R, Whyte M (2010) Atypical subtrochanteric and diaphyseal femoral fractures: Report of a Task Force of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research. J Bone Miner Res 25: 2267–2294
Lenart B, Neviaser A, Lyman S, Chang C, Edobo-Osula F, Steele B, van der Meulen MCH, Lorich DG, Lane JM (2009) Association of low energy femoral fractures with prolonged bisphosphonate use: A case control study . Osteoporos Int 20: 1353–1362
Kiuru M, Solomon J, Ghali B, van der Meulen M, Crystal RG, Hidaka C (2009) Transient overexpression of Sonic Hedgehog alters the architecture and mechanical properties of trabecular bone . J Bone Miner Res 24: 1598–1607
Gourion-Arsiquad S, Burket JC, Havill LM, DiCarlo E, Doty SB, Mendelsohn R, van der Meulen MCH, Boskey AL (2009) Spatial variation in osteonal bone properties relative to tissue and animal age. J Bone Miner Res 24: 1271–1281
Schnabel L, Lynch ME, van der Meulen MCH, Yeager AE, Kornatowksi MA, Nixon AJ (2009) Mesenchymal stem cells and insulin-like growth factor-I gene enhanced mesenchymal stem cells improve structural aspects of healing in equine flexor digitorum superficialis tendons . J Orthop Res 27: 1392–1398
van der Meulen MCH, Yang X, Morgan TG, Bostrom MPG (2009) The effects of loading on cancellous bone in the rabbit . Clin Orthop Relat Res 467: 2000–2006
Cole JH, Dowthwaite J, Scerpella TA, van der Meulen MCH (2009) Correcting fan-beam magnification in clinical densitometry scans of growing subjects . J Clin Dens 12: 322–329
Gardner MJ, Ricciardi B, Wright TM, Myers ER, Bostrom MP, van der Meulen MCH (2008) Pause insertions during cyclic in vivo loading affect bone healing . Clin Orthop Relat Res 466: 1232–1238
Wang X, Gillen EA, van der Meulen MCH, Lei XG (2008) Knockouts of Se-glutathione peroxidase-1 and Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase exert different impacts on femoral mechanical performance of growing mice . Mol Nutr Food Res 52: 1334–1339
Fritton JC, Myers ER, Wright TM, van der Meulen MCH (2008) Bone mass is increased and cancellous architecture altered due to cyclic loading of the mouse tibia after orchidectomy . J Bone Miner Res 23: 663–671
Phillips JA, Almeida EAC, Hill EL, Aguirre JI, Rivera MF, Nachbandi I, Wronski TJ, van der Meulen MCH, Globus RK (2008) Role for ß1 integrins in cortical osteocytes during acute musculoskeletal disuse . Matrix Biol 27: 609–618
Verdelis K, Ling Y, Sreenath T, Haruyama H, MacDougall M, van der Meulen MCH, Lukashova L, Spevak L, Kulakarni A, Boskey AL (2008) DSPP effects on in vivo bone mineralization . Bone 43: 983–990
Gardner MJ, van der Meulen MCH, Carson J, Zelken J, Ricciardi BF, Wanich T, Wright TM, Lane JM, Bostrom MPG (2007) The role of parathyroid hormone in the mechanosensitivity of fracture healing . J Orthop Res 25: 1474–1480
Donnelly E, Baker SP, Boskey AL, van der Meulen MCH (2006) Effects of surface roughness and maximum load on the mechanical properties of cancellous bone measured by nanoindentation . J Biomed Mater Res: Part A 77: 426–435
Cottrell JM, van der Meulen MCH, Lane JM, Myers ER (2006) Assessing the stiffness of spinal fusion in animal models . HSS Journal 2: 12–18
van der Meulen MCH, Morgan TG, Yang X, Baldini TH, Myers ER, Wright TM, Bostrom MPG (2006) Cancellous bone adaptation to in vivo loading in a rabbit model . Bone 38: 871–877
Gardner MJ, van der Meulen MCH, Demetrakopoulos D, Wright TM, Myers ER, Bostrom MPG (2006) The effects of intermittent axial compression on bone healing . J Orthop Res 24: 1679–1686
Donnelly E, Williams RM, Downs SA, Dickinson ME, Baker SP, van der Meulen MCH (2006) Quasistatic and dynamic nanomechanical properties of cancellous bone tissue relate to collagen content and organization . J Mater Res 21: 2106–2117
Globus RK, Nishimura Y, Amblard D, Iwaniec U, Kim J-B, Almeida EAC, Damsky CD, Wronski TJ, van der Meulen MCH (2005) Skeletal phenotype of growing transgenic mice that express a function-perturbing form of b1 integrin in osteoblasts . Calcif Tissue Int 76: 39–49
Cole JH, Scerpella TM, van der Meulen MCH (2005) Fan-beam densitometry of the growing skeleton: Are we measuring what we think we are? J Clin Dens 8: 57–64
Iwaniec UT, Wronski TJ, Amblard D, Nishimura Y, van der Meulen MCH, Wade CE, Bourgeouis MA, Damsky CD, Globus RK (2005) Effects of disrupted ß1 integrin function on the skeletal response to short-term hindlimb unloading in mice . J Appl Physiol 98: 690–696
Tommasini SM, Morgan TG, van der Meulen MCH, Jepsen KJ (2005) Genetic variation in structure-function relationships for the inbred mouse lumbar vertebral body. J Bone Miner Res 20: 817–827
Fritton JC, Myers ER, Wright TM, van der Meulen MCH (2005) Loading induces site-specific increases in mineral content by microcomputed tomography of the mouse tibia . Bone 36: 1030–1038
Gero NM, Cole JH, van der Meulen MCH, Scerpella TA (2005) Increased bone accrual in pre-menarcheal gymnasts: a longitudinal study . Ped Exerc Sci 17: 149–160
van der Meulen MCH, Globus RK (2005) Progress in understanding disuse osteopenia . Curr Opin Orthop 16: 325–330
Aguila AZ, Manos JM, Orlansky AS, Todhunter RJ, Trotter EJ, van der Meulen MCH (2005) In vitro biomechanical comparison of limited contact dynamic compression plate and locking compression plate . Vet Comp Orthop Trauma 18: 220–226
Bourne BC, van der Meulen MCH (2004) Finite element models predict cancellous apparent modulus when tissue modulus is scaled from specimen CT-attenuation . J Biomech 37: 613–621
Boskey AL, van der Meulen MCH, Wright TM (2003) Editorial: Guidelines for describing mouse skeletal phenotype . J Orthop Res 21: 1–5
Lane JM, Gardner MJ, Lin JT, van der Meulen MC, Myers E (2003) The aging spine: new technologies and therapeutics for the osteoporotic spine . Eur Spine J Suppl 2 Vol 12: S147–154
Bailón-Plaza A, van der Meulen MCH (2003) Beneficial effects of moderate, early loading and adverse effects of delayed or excessive loading on bone healing . J Biomech 36: 1069–1077
van der Meulen MCH, Huiskes R (2002) Why mechanobiology? A survey article. J Biomech 35: 401–414
van der Meulen MCH, Beaupré GS, Smith RL, Giddings VL, Allen WA, Athanasiou KA, Zhu CF, Mandell JA, Song Y, Poser RC, Goodman SB (2002) Factors influencing changes in articular cartilage following hemiarthroplasty in sheep. J Orthop Res 20: 669–675
Dahlgren LA, van der Meulen MCH, Bertram JEA, Starrak GS, Nixon AJ (2002) Insulin-like Growth Factor I improves cellular and molecular aspects of healing in a collagenase-induced model of flexor tendinitis. J Orthop Res 20: 910–919
van der Meulen MCH, Jepsen KJ, Mikic´ B (2001) Understanding bone strength: size isn’t everything (Perspective) . Bone 29: 101–104
Bailón-Plaza A, van der Meulen MCH (2001) A mathematical framework to study the effects of growth factor influences on fracture healing. J theor Biol 212: 191–209
van der Meulen MCH, Prendergast PJ (2000) Mechanics in skeletal development, adaptation and disease . Phil Trans Royal Soc (Series A: Math Phys Eng Sci) 358: 565–578
van der Meulen MCH, Moro M, Kiratli BJ, Marcus R, Bachrach LK (2000) Mechanobiology of femoral neck structure during adolescence . J Rehabil Res Dev 37: 201–209
Smith RL, Lin J, Trindade MCD, Shida J, Kajiyama G, Vu T, Hoffman AR, van der Meulen MCH, Goodman SB, Schurman DJ, Carter DR (2000) Time-dependent effects of intermittent hydrostatic pressure on articular chondrocyte type II collagen and aggrecan mRNA expression. J Rehabil Res Dev 37: 153–161
Bailón-Plaza A, Lee AO, Veson EC, Farnum CE, van der Meulen MCH (1999) BMP-5 deficiency alters chondrocytic activity in the mouse proximal tibial growth plate . Bone 24: 211–216
Sarin VK, Laboa EG, Beaupré GS, Kiratli BJ, Carter DR, van der Meulen MCH (1999) DXA-derived section modulus and bone mineral content predict long bone torsional strength . Acta Orthop Scand 70: 71–76
van der Meulen MCH, Marcus R, Bachrach LK, Carter DR (1997) Correspondence between theoretical models and DXA measurements of femoral cross-sectional growth during adolescence . J Orthop Res 15: 473–476
van der Meulen MCH (1997) Diaphyseal bone growth and adaptation: models and data. Stud Health Technol Inform 40: 17–23
MacAvoy MC, McClellan RT, Goodman SB, Chien C-R, Allen WA, van der Meulen MCH (1997) Stability of open book pelvic fractures using a new biomechanical model of single limb stance . J Orthop Trauma 11: 590–593
van der Meulen MCH, Ashford MW, Kiratli BJ, Bachrach LK, Carter DR (1996) D eterminants of femoral geometry and structure during adolescent growth . J Orthop Res 14: 22–29
Carter DR, van der Meulen MCH, Beaupré GS (1996) Mechanical factors in bone growth and development . Vol 18 Issue 1 Supplement 1: S5–S10
Comstock CP, van der Meulen MCH, Goodman SB (1996) Biomechanical comparison of posterior internal fixation techniques for unstable pelvic fractures . J Orthop Trauma 10: 517–522
Mikic´ B, van der Meulen MCH, Kingsley DM, Carter DR (1996) Mechanical and geometric changes in the growing femora of BMP-5 deficient mice . Bone 18: 601–608
Moro M, van der Meulen MCH, Kiratli BJ, Marcus R, Bachrach LK, Carter DR (1996) Body mass is the primary determinant of mid-femoral bone acquisition during adolescent growth . Bone 19: 519–526
van der Meulen MCH, Carter DR (1995) Developmental mechanics determine long bone allometry . J theor Biol 172: 323–327
Mikic´ B, van der Meulen MCH, Kingsley DM, Carter DR (1995) Long bone geometry and strength in adult BMP-5 deficient mice . Bone 16: 445–454
van der Meulen MCH, Morey-Holton ER, Carter DR (1995) Hindlimb suspension results in diminished femoral growth in the rat . J Orthop Res 13: 700–707
Levenston ME, Beaupré GS, van der Meulen MCH (1994) Improved method for analysis of whole bone torsion tests . J Bone Miner Res 9: 1459–1465
Bagi CM, van der Meulen M, Brommage R, Rosen D, Sommer A (1994) The effect of systemically administered rhIGF-1/IGFBP-3 complex on cortical bone strength and structure in ovariectomized rats . Bone 16: 559–565
van der Meulen MCH, Beaupré GS, Carter DR (1993) Mechanobiologic influences in long bone cross-sectional growth . Bone 14: 635–642
Bouxsein ML, Myburgh KH, van der Meulen MCH, Lindenberger E, Marcus R (1993) Age-related differences in cross-sectional geometry of the forearm bones in healthy women . Calcif Tissue Int 54: 113–118
Newhall KM, Rodnick KJ, van der Meulen MC, Carter DR, Marcus R (1991) Effect of voluntary exercise on bone mineral content in rats . J Bone Miner Res 6: 289–296
Smith RL, Thomas KD, Schurman DJ, Carter DR, Wong M, van der Meulen MC (1991) Rabbit knee immobilization: Bone remodeling precedes cartilage degradation . J Orthop Res 10: 88–95