In a rare event, we received good news today that two papers have been accepted:
Adebayo OO, Ko FC, Wan PT, Goldring SR, Goldring MB, Wright TM, van der Meulen MCH (2017) Role of subchondral bone remodeling and changes in development of load-induced osteoarthritis in mice. Osteoarthritis Cartilage, accepted
Holyoak DT, Otero M, Armar NS, Otto A, Cullinane D, Wright TM, Goldring SR, Goldring MB, van der Meulen MCH (2017) Collagen-XI mutation in mice lowers susceptibility to load-induced cartilage damage. J Orthop Res, accepted
Kudos to Derek on his first research study being published and to Funmi for the conclusion of a major piece of work. Congratulations to you both!